
Originally from Vancouver, currently based in Brooklyn. As a growing designer, I am interested in contributing to digital experiences that are thoughtfully conceived and refined in execution. My favorite type of professional projects involve translating meticulously crafted details into deliberate design systems. On the side, I enjoy creating personal work that represents in-depth research in visually expressive and distinct ways.

You can usually find me camping, coding, or cooking - all with a Mamiya in my hands. Feel free to reach me on socials. Always looking for fun opportunities.

◉ (01) Recognition

My work has kindly been featured on Read.cv, Minimal Gallery, lowwwcarbon, Godly, and Curations.

2 x Webby Awards

3 x FWA

18 x Awwwards

◉ (02) Selected Clients

I've had the pleasure to work in different capacities with Nike, Apple, AIGA, Air Company, and many more.

◉ (03) Colophon

Typeface is set in Inter by Rasmus. Design by Empty Shelf Design Studio®